Well I have been absent from this blog for a few months.
Reason being is I lost my job on October 7th of this year. The reason being is a long drawn out story with me jumping through hoops for over a month for my former employer and still being terminated. Fuck them worthless Indian loving cocksuckers.
I have at this point dedicated over 13 years of my life to being an EMT. That is gone now. It is time to find my third act in this play that is my life. The thought of suicide is ever present in my mind. Part of me is happy to been done with my former career. I am a happier person because of this event on the day to day basis. Part of my is angry and wants blood and vengenance for what has been taken from me.
I spend many days surfing the net in the depths of apathy. I have had to go on unemployment and food stamps. My personal narrative for my life is at a crossroads and I am standing still with no direction.