Monday, February 9, 2015

Living A New Life

Well those of you who read this blog know that life has changed for me.

I no longer work for the ambulance with a crew of bumbling idiots serving drunken fools. I no longer work caring for children and helping reunite parents who had their kids taken away by a system that does not always work in the best interst of anyone.

Health issues from 44 years of working a mixed variety of manual labor, road construction, healthcare, and sprinkle in a few motor vehicle accidents for variety has left me with a body that is not up to the challenge of a daily work load anymore. Before you scoff and tell me to fuck off and quit crying boo who. I have the MRI's to back up the pain I live with daily with no pain meds thank you very much.

I am a big guy. 5'10 350lbs. Been working Since I was 16 as a CNA. Grew up on a farma and if you want to get really technical I have been working since about 4 when I could open gates and carry a feed pail and be semi useful and not get run over. This not working for the last 7 months has been an adjustment. It started with blackouts/dizziness and then the MRI revealed the problems with my neck and back along with the blackouts/dizziness.

I was once proud of my work and the good things I accomplished. No I am proud of a good day at physical therapy where I can finish full sets and improve my grip stregth and range of motion in my neck. A good day at home is where Mom does not hear me crying cause I can't drive myself to town to go out on a date or out to dinner with my former coworkers.

I have learned a great deal living this new life. My world has shrunk greatly in the last 7 months.