Saturday, September 5, 2015

How is spent my summer vacation

I am sure as a kid everyone remembers having to write that essay when school started in the fall. How I spent my summer vacation. I went to camp morning wood and the bad man touched me and now I see the see the special teacher every day. Well since I was diagnosed with diabetes in May my summer pretty much changed my entire life.

I have had to adopt a new outlook if I want to live to see 50 intact with all my parts. I started a 1800 calorie diabetic low carb diet, started swimming exercise program daily, and started bible study. As of Wednesdays doctor visit I am now down 40 lbs since May 15th 2015. I have my blood sugar under control with meds and diet.

My swim exercise program will be ending on Monday not by my choice. The pool where I live will close for the season. I am really going to miss this part of my daily routine. I will be using an exercise bike and walking to replace the pool. The pool was a big part of my life this summer. It provide some really great spiritual experiences and some humorous ones.

One day the were several bees that had for whatever reason landed in the pool and were swamped. I placed my hand under them raised them out of the water and over to the edge of the pool and set the down on the deck. I watched as they each dried in the sun and then flew off. I wondered what they thought happened to them as they were raied out of the water?

Some days while I exercised I could feel a warm peaceful feeling come over me and all felt right in the world. I knew that God was watching over me. I have been feeling better since I started the bible study daily. Being a Catholic in this country is not cool these days. Having faith and standing for something you believe in will lose you friends but if they don't accept you for who you are they are not worth your friendship.

Tbese are the lessons I have learned over my summer vacation